zoom, zoom, like an aeroplane!

Friday, May 28, 2010

tomorrow's plans.

Just wanted to say, that tomorrow I will be doing a/several test runs with the launcher I built.
No time today, I need to practise trombone and do my other homework, but science, I spent a lot of time on you so you better appreciate that!!

btw, dont you think that the diagram and the real one share some resemblance?
Pretty awesomee!!
Be back tomorrow, bye!!

Launcher READY!

I finally got around to actually build the launcher, and I didnt use all the materials I bought, but oh well.
I used; nails, screw driver, nails, elastic band. AND, I made a hook out of ice cream container, its for launching the plane.

Also, I made myself a toolbox out of the strawberry freddo choc box to stall the spare materials I didnt end up using.. pretty cool huh?

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Launcher Equipment.

Finally went to Bunnings and got my equipment for the plane launcher, here's a pic

Equipment included:
  • thin wooden stick
  • washer/'o' ring
  • jackshaw (a 'junior' jacksaw)
  • elastic band
  • pair of nails
Plus, the wooden board I bought ages ago.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Blogg II

Here is the climate graph I completed... yes I know, I just love to state the obvious.
For Launcher
Wooden base
Pair of nails (could change.. depending on what I get at Bunnings)
Elastic band/material
Plastic hook

Measuring Tape (measure distance travelled)
1m Ruler
stopwatch (if I am going to measure length of flight)

Plane Launcher
1. Drill pair of nails into plank of wood 15cm apart
2. Attach on end of elastic band to each nail
3. Cut a hook out of plastic (this will be used to launch plane)
[further info: designing plane launcher entry]

1. Follow the instructions to build the models of airplane required:
- The Arrow
- The Dart
- The Stealth
(detailed instructions on 10paperairplanes.com)

1. Construct plane launcher using method above
2. Cut out of an A4 sheet of paper a sheet 20cm x 28cm
3. Construct the first model (The Arrow)
4. Launch the airplane, 1m from the ground and pull back to full length of board each time
5. Simultaneously, time the length of flight (from take off til landing)
6. Observe and record details of flight:
- distance travelled
- length of time travelled
7. Repeat steps 1-6 with a sheet of paper that is 1cm smaller in length and width
(ie. 19cm x 27cm, 18cm x 26cm)
8. Repeat steps 1-7 until the size of paper reaches 12cm x 20cm
9. Repeat steps 1-8 using the other two models (The Dart and The Stealth)
10. Repeat stepts 1-9 three times.

yay! finally finished for the second blog submission!

'Offical' Method.

For Launcher
Wooden base
Pair of nails (could change.. depending on what I get at Bunnings)
Elastic band/material
Plastic hook

Measuring Tape (measure distance travelled)
1m Ruler
stopwatch (if I am going to measure length of flight)

Plane Launcher
1. Drill pair of nails into plank of wood 15cm apart
2. Attach on end of elastic band to each nail
3. Cut a hook out of plastic (this will be used to launch plane)
[further info: designing plane launcher entry]

1. Follow the instructions to build the models of airplane required:
- The Arrow
- The Dart
- The Stealth
(detailed instructions on 10paperairplanes.com)

1. Construct plane launcher using method above
2. Cut out of an A4 sheet of paper a sheet 20cm x 28cm
3. Construct the first model (The Arrow)
4. Launch the airplane, 1m from the ground and pull back to full length of board each time
5. Simultaneously, time the length of flight (from take off til landing)
6. Observe and record details of flight:
- distance travelled
- length of time travelled
7. Repeat steps 1-6 with a sheet of paper that is 1cm smaller in length and width
(ie. 19cm x 27cm, 18cm x 26cm)
8. Repeat steps 1-7 until the size of paper reaches 12cm x 20cm
9. Repeat steps 1-8 using the other two models (The Dart and The Stealth)
10. Repeat stepts 1-9 three times.

Note: I still might change some of this but this is it for now.. I am really tired and I want to sleep like this peaceful guy:

thinking, thinking (about method)

Some quick ideas, brainstorm regarding my method before I go to sleep:

  1. listing materials/equipment required
  2. talk about designing plane launcher, details of steps
  3. folding the airplanes...? do I need details for that, (I will ask tomorrow)
  4. how I will measure & control all variables, must ask about the altitude thing Ms Zhang told me about
  5. recording results - what to observe
  6. how the experiment will be repeated.
Anyway, since its super late and I gotta wake up really early tomorrow, I'll write my proper method tomorrow, Good night!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

plan 4 building plane launcher

So, previously, in my blog entry titled 'Designing plane launcher', I referred to this youtube video, it didn't occur to me at the time to actually put the video itself on my blog, so yeh, here it is:

To date, my progress with the launcher remains the same, I have only painted it. But, I will be getting my materials from Bunnings next weekend and hopefully I will and am aiming to have the launcher built and ready to show you guys by the end or week.. four, yeh, week four.