zoom, zoom, like an aeroplane!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

things that make you go "grrrrrr..."

Grrrrr ... someone is doing an almost identical experiment as me. I mean look at it this way, im sure identical twins such as these guys:

would not like to be compared but be individuals in their own right.
Just had to get that off my chest.. laters gee!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry Lisa, I know you are talking about me.....but I SWEAR LIKE REALLY SWEAR AND 'CROSS MY HEART AND HOPE TO DIE SWEAR' that my idea was totally random and from the bottom of my own heart...I didn't even know you were doing aeroplanes until you commented on my 'aeroplane idea' post on my blog, I PROMISE D'= (i'm gonna cry if you don't believe me T-T)
